2015년 5월 2일 토요일

Eng)No 14-2. Tallinn - Estonia

After I just thought about 5 minutes in St. petersburg, Russia, suddenly decided next destination is in Tallinn, Estonia

 This country is not famous in Korea so most of Koreans don't know it well. One of the Baltic country, Estonia!! (The Baltic countries are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania near the Baltic sea.)

 A lot of people think about UK, France, Spain and Italy and etc in Europe countries, Norway and Sweden, etc near the Scandinavian peninsula in North Europe.

 B U T !!

 According to information, the Baltic countries also included in North Europe!!
 Actually, I didn't know the information, too. Just thought where have to go from St. Petersburg, Russia to somewhere. Considered to go to Europe via Sweden or North Europe countries, the Baltic countries or Ukraine but I guessed Sweden or North Europe routes are too expensive to go to Europe, Ukraine border will be little bit dangerous from Russia because of war of Cream peninsula and Korean passport need visa even if via Belarus route. Usually Korean can travel in Europe without visa except Belarus. (Passing visa of Belarus is just 2 days.)
It was a vacation period on May in Russia so most of hostels, accommodations became double prices so i couldn't stay in St. Petersburg. Just considered in Russia, I met Anastasia who live in Belarus friend and I asked to help me for buying a ticket going Tallinn, Estonia because she can speak Russian well.
 Really unfamiliarity country Estonia, really unfamiliarity city Tallinn!!
 I didn't know at the moment. To recommend and to think that so beautiful country in Europe, took a lot of pictures there within short periods

 Let's go to Tallinn by night bus on 30th April.
It was a comfortable bus I chose it well. Truly, less than the train of Siberia because there are beds in the train. Anyway, sleep and sleep continue, as soon it passed a border between Russia and Estonia at 2 AM. and when I woke up, I was already in Tallinn!
 Going to the border in the night bus near immigration of Russia and Estonia. (Took it because I sat a first seat.)

◀ It is a terminal in Tallinn. It was not good weather but fortunately it didn't raining. It takes about 20 minutes from the terminal to central and about 40 minutes to an old town of Tallinn on foot. Because I didn't know buses routes, saving money and like walking but there are a lot of taxis, buses and trams.
 So I don't know the bus service prices~

 All the time, I visited travel information center, got a map of Tallinn and went to near cafe with my heavy bags. I drawn a route on the map where i want to visit and checked an accommodation on the Internet while drinking coffee. I am so

 ▼ It is the best exciting moment when I travel in other countries.

 There is an old town in Tallinn, most of visitors decide accommodations in the old town, start and end of their travel in Tallinn. There is also central but I guess there are many high building, busy people for working then I thought to pass the city center travel.

 I moved to thought accommodation in the old town, put down my bags and started to walk around the old town. Exciting! Estonia is not famous traveling place and vacation seasons so there weren't lots of people at the hostel.

 Tried hiking from a square to hill in old town, there are many restaurants and pubs are in square, it makes nice places in the old town. Especially I satisfied various signboards and terraces of restaurants, bars and cafes!! In Korea, there are not various signboards because of legislations. I saw a mold of beef statue at front of a restaurant. My friends who met in Moscow, Russia took a picture with this statue.
 Arrived on the hill, could see the beautiful panoramic view of the old town. It is a new world to me!  haha

◀ A background of a prank picture of my friends. It is a front of restaurant. I guess it is a restaurant of beef steaks..

 I am a single traveler so unfortunately, I couldn't take pictures like my friends..

◀ So I took a picture myself with background of the old town! So shy..

 Always, I had an idea 'want to go to Europe' but the thinking changed 'Finally I am in Europe now!' or 'Here is in Europe!' It wasn't leave in my mind.

 Before coming back to the hostel, I bought some food and cooked at the accommodation. But suddenly had curious the night view of Tallinn.
'Try to go outside again?' and I bought and brought two can of beers and went to the hill at night again. It was a very amazing choice. The first panorama night view in Europe with beer.

▲ A night view of the old town, Tallinn. Didn't bring a camera, it was took by cellular camera. Couldn't express by pictures.

My first Europe country, Estonia. The first day and night passed like it.

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